Monday 24 February 2014

My father's shoes

I've always been a pain in the ass (full stop) to my father (full stop pt.II) about his shoes because I've felt he could benefit from the constructive criticism and to be honest nowadays his shoes are a whole lot more stylish because of that. Hey, no need to thank me, Boss. I actually remember being little and thinking I'd never have a boyfriend who wore ugly shoes (then life was like 'lol kid, here, have a bunch of them') because looking at my dad and his boring dad loafers, I thought they pretty much summed up the worst in a man - being a massive bore.

But now I find myself lusting over a pair of shoes that are more conservative than those my father ever wore, and it's so ironic I'm surprised they haven't made it into the lyrics of an Alanis Morissette song. 

Speaking of irony, it seems to me it is key when it comes to tackling these babies, otherwise you risk looking like a torie/republican/right-wing god-fearing little asshole. So, how does one wear such shoe whilst maintaining the three basic qualities of an interesting human being (wit, sense of humor, a free spirit)? I think the trick is to either go a) intellectual; b) a little preppy, which really doesn't work on me because I just end up looking like a crossbreed between a salsa dancer and an accountant or c) fuck it all and just play random.

Given the options it's pretty obvious there's only one way for me to go, which is option c). Sure, it's the one with the highest risk of failure, but it's not like I'm trying out for the fashion Olympics or anything. These guys (above) are Zara, so not an expensive freudian dip into the masculine shoe universe. Who knows, right? If it's not too weird maybe I'll end up getting some proper big boy shoes, huh? Like these gorgeous, beautifully crafted Churches.

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