Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Candids on tapestry

These are works by a young american artist called Erin M. Riley. They're all tapestries representing the type of image we're all bombarded with everyday on facebook, tumblr, instagram, films and popular culture in general. The girls are anonymous and faceless, because that's how this image bombardment operates: depersonalizes the depicted and desensitizes the viewer (Andy Warhol had warned us about that). But then it's their technique - tapestry - that gives them their much needed gravitas. One the one hand it's a celebration of vulgarity, while on the other hand it's carefully crafted like you'd expect from representations of classical themes, where the female body materializes only the purest of virtues. 

Thursday, 4 June 2015

satisfying associations

Came across these pieces from MM6's recent jewelry collection:
 Inflated brass bracelets

And was immediately reminded of Jeff Koons' inflatables: 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Fashion. Art. Fartshion.

The two things I love most in life are fashion and visual arts, so I honestly cannot conceive anything more exciting than a combination of the two.

If this is the kind of thing that also rubs your fancy, make sure you follow @copylab on Instagram, and prepare yourself for some intense liking action as you scroll down its amazing feed, full of embellished iconic art-historical images with trending designer accessories and logos.

Original: Henri Matisse's "Madras Rouge." Added: Fendi Micro Peekaboo Bag

"Jesus' Diaper Bag." Original: Botticelli’s “The Virgin and Child Enthroned." Added: Hermes Birkin

Original: My Parents by David Hockney. Added: Vuitton x Murakami trunk and bag.

#NapoleonEmperorDefeatedAtFontainebleau by #PaulHippolyteDelaroche. Added: #Givenchy Rottweiler Shirt

 Original: #TheWave by #WilliamAdolpheBouguereau. Added: #Chanel Canvas Graffiti Backpack

Monday, 1 June 2015


Overalls are the chillest thing you can wear; you just kinda let everything hang out because overalls  won't tell anyone you've just inhaled a massive lunch (it's all nicely hidden there). These ones are Zara from last year, tshirt is The Kooples, bag is Faux-yard (that's a fake Goyard, fyi) and ballerinas are by Josefinas. Also, I'm thrilled with my recent discovery that white nail polish actually looks so cool. Wish I was wearing some big fat latina earrings but I was too late and sleepy to think of that in the morning. 
btw, if you like this background, it's a painting by brilliant 20th century Op artist Bridget Riley. Look her up.

And here are some chicas looking lovely in their overalls. I like them mostly with ballet flats, trainers and loafers, as the heels kind of take away from the carefree vibe given by dungarees. Threw in a cute crop mariniere by APC and some more Josefinas flats just 'cus.