It's taken me quite some time to realize just how much there is to be observed in stylish men, and to really begin to try and figure out how their style mojo could be adapted to my reality (for those remaining in doubt: I'm a girl). My eye is usually caught by looks ranging from a classically manly, faux-careless look, all the way through to the sharpest of fine suits and those richly thick, heavy textures guys can pull off so easily. But it's when there's a spot of humour and a tiny hint of playful excentricity that I'm really interested. It's almost as if dudes were naturally imbued with a type of subtlety that men can master (at least those with what I consider a memorable sense of style) in their own unique way, perhaps by taking risks with the smallest details rather than big bold statement pieces. Kids, I'm talking about socks here.
Because of their ideal balance between comfort and sophistication, I've been into masculine looking shoes lately. I also figured that adding a playful sock would prevent the look from going too normcore and dude-y. It's usually a sad affair for a chick to go sock shopping: girl socks tend to be as dull as a dishwasher, or, in contrast, sickeningly sweet, going from a range of light pink to hot pink (or pink with pink fucking stripes) and featuring pom-poms and the Powerpuff Girls. Yet, mainstream shops I have access to seem to offer these much jazzier versions for guys: stripey, spotted and other cool patterns.
Let's look at a few interesting examples I gathered below, shall we?
Gents seen at www.thesartorialist.coom and socks from Pringle and Paul Smith.
But let us not overlook the chicas:
Stylish ladies sourced at and socks from Paul Smith, Jcrew and Asos.
Plus my combo for today: Eureka brogues + Pedemeia spotted ankle socks.
When successfully achieved, the incredibly vast field of possibilities offered by the shoe + sock combo can add a lot more personality to a look than jewellery or any other accessory. It's fun, nostalgic (ankle socks seem to resonate my childhood somehow), subversive and unexpected. Just keep away from the death trap of socks: looking too Lolita or just plain frumpy. Oh and also, trust my instinct on this one: NO POWERPUFF GIRL SOCKS ARE TO EVER LEAVE THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME, even if you are fully convinced you are being ironic and perhaps even starting the hottest new trend. Not gonna happen. (NOT ON MY WATCH.)