As I write this I have no idea where I'd like this post to go. To begin with, I thought I'd go through the post drafts I saved in the course of 2014 which you guys never read because I though they were utter crappola. One of the posts that never saw the proverbial light of day was about fashion things which at the time made my heart skip a beat, like these Delpozo shoes, which basically consist of gift wrapping for one's feet.
Everything else I put on that draft I now find a bit cringeworthy. And I'm not sure if it's winter making me cynical and turning my heart into stone, but I'm not even sure of the Delpozos either, unless wearing them with big fat mismatched socks is a possibility (like, over my dead body).
At another point I also thought I'd write a post about all the crazy stuff that gets sold out on luxury e-commerce, as it normally falls into three categories: a) it was actually great value so it's gone in 1,0902934 miliseconds (note: very rare but has been observed); b) a 10.000€ dress; c) it something that costs 10.000€ and it's B U T T U G L Y. Here's a wee challenge: is thisValentino sweater a), b) or c)?
Oh no it's sold out and it was JUST THE THING I WANTED.
Then I had an epiphany about Oprah Winfrey's style. It seemed noteworthy that her stylist made a point of dressing her in these exquisite draped jersey dresses (spotted: ISSA, Donna Karan), both during daytime events and red carpet ceremonies. Sure, I love the sense of style of all the same young skinny betches y'all do, but let's just take a moment to realize that even though she hasn't invented the style wheel, Queen Oprah is here to remind us all that style can be really simple and that clothes are only any good if they bring out the best in us. And that she looks FINE.
So blogwise I part ways with 2014 by serving you my leftover ideas, taken straight out of my brain microwave half heated-half cold. I'm not sure what will inspire me in 2015 but there better be something spectacular. I have this strange relationship with fashion where, on the one hand, I am confronted with something so completely new and/or beautiful that I can't help but dream... only soon after to be brought down from this trip by the raw realization that it is just clothes, shoes, bags to carry things. When this happens I run out of things to say - I even grow tired of my own thoughts, as it all seems so meaningless.
For 2015 I won't be wishing for Louboutins to rain from the skies or anything. I reckon what I'd really like for next year is some really good, gut busting laughs. Also on my 'nice' list new Game of Thrones episodes soon, seeing friends fulfill their dreams, dance, and never stop learning things.